SAC Accreditation – ISO 9001
URS Far East has been awarded SAC Accreditation for ISO 9001.
– 23 October 2014 : Accredited to issue SAC ISO 9001:2008 Certificates
– 19 January 2016: Accredited to issue SAC ISO 9001:2015 Certificates
As a SAC Accredited Certification Body, URS is recognized and qualified to audit ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems(QMS).
URS is No.3 (CAA 26 Dec 2014) for most number of scopes offered by a SAC Accredited Certification Body. We are able to provide ISO audit in Singapore across a wide range of industries, business and organizations.
Click here for the full list of accreditation scopes.
Official update from SAC(Singapore Accreditation Council) can be found here.
The accreditation from Singapore Accreditation Council covers the following scopes:
- Food products, beverages and tobacco
- Textiles and textile products
- Wood and wood products
- Pulp, paper and paper products
- Publishing companies
- Printing companies
- Chemicals, chemical products and fibres
- Rubber and plastic products excluding C22.11
- Non-metallic mineral products
- Basic metals and fabricated metal products excluding C24.46, C25.11, C25.2, C25.3 and C25.4
- Machinery and equipment excluding C28.9 – Metallurgy, mining, quarrying & construction, food, beverage and tobacco processing and C30.4
- Electrical and optical equipment
- Manufacturing not elsewhere classified excluding C32.5 and C33.19
- Recycling
- Construction
- Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods
- Hotels and restaurants
- Transport, storage and communication
- Real estate; renting
- Information technology
- Engineering services excluding M71.2
- Other Services
- Public administration
- Education
- Social Work
- Other Social Services